Ari's Home

Site Generators

Here is to get this party started, i’ll initiate my fortate into blogging by talking about the very technology that is enabling me to blog.

I come from the world of Java backend engineering, my day job involves metaphorical equivalent of dumpster diving into millions of lines of code working on it makes me feel dirty. Everyday i want to should on top of my lungs to tell everyone how shit-ly we do things here.

So i thought maybe its finally time for me write my ideas on programming and the world on a piece of digital paper, on the internet.

But how should i get started??? This question perflexed me for quite a while, world of webdev is rather complicated in general I was not quite sure on what route to should i take, Should i give in and make a medium account? or should i install wordpress? Finally this weekend i had some time on my hands, (mainly becuase my boyfriend was visiting his folks) after a bit of googling and chatgpt-ing i got to know the wonderful world of Site generators.

Looking around

After looking around i came across this site generator HUGO which sort full filled my requirements and was simple enough for me to get started.

To get started with hugo i needed to download hugo from my package manager and using its command like i generated a basic website.

From there i needed to define my content as markdown and templates using Go’s amazing template engine,

everythink took me around 1 hour to setup and deploy and infact most of my time


I’m Still thinking on what can i add to this blog feel free to email me about suggestions